This instructional video is designed to give you an introduction to the guitarron, the different parts of the instrument and the mechanics of how it works.
This instructional video is designed to give you an introduction to the guitarron, the different parts of the instrument and the mechanics of how it works.
5 minute theory videos are designed to teach you fundamental music knowledge in a quick bite sized chunk that will provide the musical nutrition that you’ve been craving. On today’s video we learn how to read Roman numerals as they will be used a lot in music theory. These are called scale degrees. Be cool. […]
5 minute theory videos are designed to teach you fundamental music knowledge in a quick bite sized chunk that will provide the musical nutrition that you’ve been craving. On today’s video we learn the order of sharps also known as el orden de los sostenidos. This will help you play your scales correctly and chord […]
In this video you’ll learn all about the different types of cases for vihuela, guiarron and guitar. For this first part you’ll learn about hard cases.